Officer Bios

Lara Boudinot


I am a proud FWCB major on the Conservation track with two minors: one in Geology and the other in Marine Biology. I joined the Marine Biology Club as a Freshman and have done so much in the marine field since. I am SCUBA certified (through the club), I did a Coral Reef Management class in Belize, I studied Oceanography and Fisheries in Hawaii for a semester, and I got to work at the Waikiki Aquarium growing corals! I am also passionate about marine life and am excited to share that passion with the club!

Interests & Experiences
  • SCUBA diving
  • Surfing
  • Swimming with sharks and rays
  • Whale watching

Adina Allen


My major is in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, with minors in Marine Biology and Wildlife care and Handling. I had joined the club in my freshman year because of my interest in Marine Biology and have since become co president, how exciting! My favorite experiences in the club have probably been either Baking with our club members or snorkeling at the Mall of America. My goals for the future are uncertain, but that’s alright by me. I have a feeling I will go into a form of education, but one never truly knows where life takes them. My favorite animal is the whale shark.

Interests & Experiences
  • SCUBA certified
  • MISS member
  • Worked in Manatee rehab
  • Study abroad enthusiast
  • Lover of all marine life
  • Stung by various marine life

Natalie Windels

Social Media Coordinator

I am a senior studying Ecology, Evolution and Animal Behavior with minors in Marine Biology and Spanish. I joined the marine biology club because I wanted to surround myself with fellow ocean lovers and make a difference in the community. My favorite experiences in the club were when I snorkeled with bamboo sharks at the Sea Life aquarium, completed my open water SCUBA certification, and participated in a lake cleanup dive in Lino Lakes. My plan is to attend graduate school and obtain a master’s degree in marine biology. Eventually, I would love to join and/or be the head of a marine research laboratory with a focus on studying shark ecology and behavior. Although sharks have been my obsession since I was a kid, I currently only have experience tagging and tracking the movements of freshwater fish. I would like to apply the skills I’ve gained in freshwater research to studying the ecology and movements of lesser known sharks, including the 12 species of wobbegongs.

Interests & Experiences
  • Shark enthusiast
  • SCUBA certified
  • ArcGIS
  • MN DNR intern
  • Aquatic invasive species

Emma Kivell

Outreach Coordinator

I am a senior studying wildlife conservation biology and minoring in marine biology. I joined this club shortly after taking Intro to Marine Biology because I was super excited about sharing my passion for ocean creatures with other people! My favorite thing about the club is getting to talk to young kids about our touch tank creatures and watching their faces as they hold a sea urchin for the very first time. When I graduate I’m hoping to work in the Caribbean with organizations who focus on local community-based conservation programs to increase protection for marine parks and local marine animals. I got certified to scuba dive while I was in college and went on the Roatan study abroad trip which I 10/10 recommend! I really can’t pick a favorite marine animal but swimming with Caribbean reef sharks is one of my top wildlife encounters of all time.

Interests & Experiences
  • Community-based marine conservation
  • Marine biology education
  • Roatan Dive Trip
  • MN Zoo Volunteer

Collin Meyer

Coffman Tank Manager

I am a Junior studying Cellular and Organismal Physiology, Ecology Evolution and Behavior, and a Marine Biology minor. Once I complete undergrad I hope to become a wildlife veterinarian working with marine species rehabilitation. After Shark Week got me obsessed with the ocean at a young age I have been looking for any opportunity to learn more about this large portion of our planet. That is why I joined the Marine Biology club- to learn more about the ocean and to be close to other Midwesterners who were as obsessed with aquatic life as I am. For the club I primarily manage a coral reef aquarium and educational lab in Coffman Memorial Union. If you would like to volunteer and learn how to run an aquarium please email me at no experience nesseccary!

Interests & Experiences
  • Scuba Diving
  • Animal Behavior
  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Coral Reef Management in Belize

Lucas Lembke

Coffman Tank Manager

I am a sophomore studying Biochemistry with a minor in Management. I joined the club because I have kept freshwater and saltwater aquariums for years now, and I have always been captivated by marine life and its relation to my field of study. Marine Biology Club, and serving as the Coffman Tank Coordinator specifically, allows me to share my passion with students all over campus. My career goals for the future are centered around Dentistry.

Interests & Experiences
  • Favorite aquatic animal: Loon
  • Favorite non-aquatic animal: Pheasant
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